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Bitcoin Poem 113

Pure Money (Problems/Solutions 29)

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Pure Money - Bitcoin Poem 113 by Christopher Westra

Inspired by Jack Mallers

CEO of Strike - A More Connected Financial World

Jack Maller's Twitter Account

Jack's Interview with 'What Bitcoin Did' Channel

Jack's YouTube Interview on the Pomp Podcast

Pure Money (Bitcoin Poem 113)

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Through history many things have
Been used as money. These also
Had other uses. Homes, tobacco
Salt, gold, beads, shells, feathers.
We’ve never had just pure money
Which is also scarce and portable.
Let’s use a money that acts only
As money, not a commodity that
Is sometimes money and other
Times used as something else.
Bitcoin is pure money, and also
Scarce, portable, and divisible.

Written 9/26/24 by Christopher Westra
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