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Bitcoin Poem 103

User Centric Money

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User Centric Money - Bitcoin Poem 103 by Christopher Westra

Inspired by End the Fud (.org)

End the Fud - loads of great Bitcoin education

User Centric Money (Bitcoin Poem 103)

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Choose a USER centric money
Bitcoin is the best around
It’s the money built for YOU
And the best that’s to be found

For YOU, as it’s permissionless
Your use can’t be denied
Unlike a nation’s fiat
Which can limit and divide

For YOU, as it’s immutable
Transactions can’t be changed
Gives confidence and clarity
As they can’t be rearranged

For YOU, because it’s finite
And the value won’t debase
Since Bitcoin keeps its value
It’s USER centric on its face

For YOU, as it’s decentralized
You can send it peer to peer
This was Satoshi’s vision
So no one can interfere

Choose a USER centric money
For the advantages to YOU
Designed to help your lifestyle
And the dreams that you pursue

Written 6/15/24 by Christopher Westra
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