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Bitcoin Poem 098

Bitcoiners Stand

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Bitcoiners Stand - Bitcoin Poem 098 by Christopher Westra

Inspired by Julian Assange

Amnesty International article about Julian Assange

Bitcoiners Stand (Bitcoin Poem 098)

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Come, Bitcoiners join
From every land
Alone we may fall
But together we stand

Stand up for rights
And freedoms for all
Stand in all countries
The big and the small

Stand for our freedom
To transact with peers
No middle men needed
To control us with fears

Stand to deny them
Their plots to debase
Our money and wealth
The plans they embrace

Stand up and tell them
We’re done with your taking
Bitcoin’s our money
It’s not of your making

Stand for the assets
We’ve built with our hands
Stand for our children
Our families, our lands

Written 5/9/24 by Christopher Westra
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