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Bitcoin Poem 059

The Bitcoin Team

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The Bitcoin Team - Bitcoin Poem 059 by Christopher Westra

Inspired by Marty Bent

Marty Bent's Daily Newsletter (Signal in Bitcoin)

The Bitcoin Team (Bitcoin Poem 059)

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When crypto fans approach us
And say “We’re on the same team”
Invite them to grasp our vision
And see if they share our dream

Say, “Great, now you’re joining us to…

Adopt seizure resistant money?
Boost personal power and accountability?
Separate money from state control and abuse?
Restore proper capital allocation through hard money?
Forsake the fiat fraud and cancel the Cantillon privilege?
Allow people to simply save and store value through time?
Cultivate new freedom for billions of people under tyranny?
Abolish the theft of our time and wealth through debasement?
Increase long-term work and vision in all areas due to stable money?
Abandon foolish agendas and wars made possible only by printing money for free?”

Then they can humbly join us
Bitcoin’s purpose in their mind
Or see they are “not on our team”
And sadly - get left behind

Written 6/20/23 by Christopher Westra
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